
Help Animals In Need

At Fauna Grey we have hand picked trusted organizations that make a difference in the animal kingdom. This page was created to provide an avenue to those who want to donate or support, but may not know where to begin. If you know of, or own a trusted organization that supports animals in need, contact us and we may feature that organization on our page!

Groups and Organizations:

Izzie’s Pond Animal Rescue & Sanctuary

This organization rescues, rehabilitates and provides a refuge for injured or orphaned wildlife with a focus on rabies vector species. They provide several unique options to help and support them! You can also visit their Facebook page where they share updates and photos of the animals that they rescue and rehab.

Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky Inc.

This organization rescues, rehabilitates, then releases birds of prey in Kentucky. They have several flexible options to choose from when looking to support them. You can even choose which bird you would like to personally support in their ‘Adopt a Raptor’ page!

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